Patient recruitment

Fast | effective | Quality

2 Days

Initial Response

Give us 2 business days to get back to your email or voicemail

3 Days


Once we know the scope, timeline, and budget we can put together a proposal

5 Days

Develop Campaign

Once you approve of the project we will begin creating the advertisement materials and framework for the campaign

10 Days

First Patients Delivered

After all our materials are created we will begin the ad campaigns, screen, and educate the patients.  We will have patients ready to be delivered in 10 business days

RecruitmentReady³ to Bring you the Best Patients


StudyReady means the patient has all the indications they are ready to join the study.

A StudyReady patient has been evaluated against the inclusion/exclusion criteria, interests and motivation analyzed, and location and ability to travel to the clinical site gauged.

A StudyReady patient is a high quality candidate that will yield savings in time, money, and frustration.

Inclusion/exclusion Criteria

Patients are thoroughly screened against inclusion and exclusion criteria.

Patient Interest and Motivators

Why did the patient respond to our advertisement? Why did they fill out our survey? A patient hoping for a big payday is not as strong a candidate as someone who wants to help patients with their indication.

Patient Geo-location

We screen patients by location and their ability to travel to the site. Close proximity to a site is a high indicator for complying with follow up visits.


Once patients are StudyReady they then need to become PatientReady

PatientReady means the patient is thoroughly educated on what it means to be a patient in your clinical trial. 

PatientReady patients know their rights as a study participant, know what is expected of them while in the study, and understand the greater impact their involvement in the clinical trial has on the world.

Inform patients their rights as a study participant

Patients are thoroughly informed of their rights as a study participant.

Inform patients on Expectations

We inform patients on the clinical trial expectations. We let the know the follow up visit schedule, medications they may or may not have to take, or even if they need to avoid becoming pregnant. We also go over any stipends, payments, or benefits they may receive.

Appeal to Altruism

Recent studies show that altruism is one of the main reasons why patients join and stay in a clinical trial. We make sure to inform patients that their efforts are helping to progress knowledge in the scientific community and helping future patients with their indication.


Once patients are StudyReady and PatientReady they become SiteReady

SiteReady means patients are great candidates to join the study, are educated in the clinical trial process, and are ready to be sent to the clinical site.

SiteReady patients save the clinical sites valuable time by screen failing less, having a high consent rate, and bring in new business.

All we have done up to this point contributes to the sites having a good experience. Sites will appreciate the extra effort you take to reduce their burden and workload.

Save the sites time

No site wants to receive 20 patients that all screen fail on basic study criteria. We respect their time and only provide the best patients.

High Consent Rate

Everything the patient hears during the consent process was already discussed with us prior to going on site. There are no surprises.

Give sites new business

What hospital or private practices does not want more people walking through their doors?

Start a conversation Today

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